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Target Audience & Chosen Platform

My objective was to make information about menopause accessible for all ages and break the stigma which is attached to conversations about menopause. I would like to build a community where people can share their menopause experiences and offer advice to one another about menopause. I wish to put the us in menopause.

The target audience are women, trans men and non-binary people between the ages of 30-55. This could be people who have menopause, or will someday have it, so they would like to know more. My chosen media is an app called Pause, which has features to reach my objective, but the advertisements for the app will be on the social media platform Instagram.

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Final Outcomes

The final outcomes are an app I designed on Figma and an animated advert for the app, which I made on Procreate and After Effects. The app begins with onboarding at the beginning to help the user understand what the app has to offer. The user can track their symptoms, the calendar will help them predict when some of their symptoms may return, there is a meditation feature and there is a community platform on the app.

The community platform has three features: Q&A, story sharing and a location service. The location service helps the user find areas near them that offer treatments for menopause, but the users can rate the services and leave reviews about whether they had a good or bad experience.

The graphic language I designed is round and friendly, plus the hand drawn illustrations make the tone of voice a lot more approachable than vector art. The logo is of the unity symbol, but each circle has a different colour representing each member of the target audience; pink for women, blue for trans men and purple for non-binary. The thing that is in the centre of all the circles is the pause symbol, because they all get menopause.

I called the app “Pause” because it is short for menopause, but it also reflects the meditation aspect of the app, telling the user to pause and be in the moment.

The Advert

How it works

Click here to check out app prototype!
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